Hoping for boring….

Well, I was hoping for boring, but that’s not what I got.

Premeds in – all good, although I got cold and very sleepy.

Taxol starts – red face and heart rate jump nearly immediately after taxol started.

Ooooookkkkkaaaaaaayyyyyyy – that was scarey.

Hit the magic button, and three nurses swarm around me…  Stop the taxol… etc…

So, more steroids and more benadryl…  And we’ve restarted.  Going fine now.

That was a little scary…  Let me try to describe the reaction. First thing I felt was a jump in heart rate – followed by this sensation of face flushing…. Cheryl tells me my face was bright red.  I felt like my heart was really jumping, but the nurse said, it’s only in the seventies.  Cheryl says – wow – that’s high for her.  Nurse says – oh yeah?  That was it.  It was FAST!  Like one second I was fine and sleepy – next second I was flushed and had Lee Penn tachycardia.

So, chemo day one was NOT boring… which is not what I had hoped for….

Honestly, in retrospect, it really wasn’t that bad.  They came a-runnin… and I knew what to do if I felt those sensations…  So, it’s all alright.

Prechemo stats:

134 lbs, HR 53 (that’s high), temp 99 °F, WBC 5.7, RBC 3.91, hgb 12.9, hematocrit 36.8

(Those last three are on the lowish side of normal – bummer)

That’s all for now.  I’m kind of sleepy.

And yes – we can both fit in the chair, which is nice.  Cheryl was FAST in moving off the chair when I had the reaction, tho!

Ok – it’s now 8:30p, and we’re home, and the child has just showered.  All in all, I dealt with cancer for 7 hours today (not including the mental obsession time, of course).  I had only that one reaction.  I feel okay right now, but I do feel tired.  The nurse told me I would, because I had the reaction.  Alas….  I just ate a big salad…  I also made sweet potato burritos….  Salad made me full, but I bet I’ll eat a bit more again….

So, that’s chemo day one.  15 rounds to go.

About rleepenn

I'm a parent and chemistry professor, and I love to ride bikes! On July 29th, 2011, I received the news that I have breast cancer. This is my blog....
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4 Responses to Hoping for boring….

  1. bonny says:

    Sigh… I hate that you are scared. I am sorry this is happening to you. And i’m happy that Cheryl fits in the chair with you. (okay, while i’m at it… i’m totally jealous of 134lbs & 55bpm.) You have a lot of people pulling for you Lee.

  2. Lynne says:

    Sorry to hear about the rough patch. Will cross my fingers for you that it’s the only time you have one-just a figuring it out kind of thing, you know? Glad to see you this morning, though. Great photo, by the way.

  3. Jen Hanks says:

    I had a similar reaction on my second infusion. My face went all red and I felt a lump in my throat. We added more benadryl and rantadine (for heartburn) for my last two and no problems. It made me so sleepy though I would sleep through most of the infusion. It is weird how it always feels weird when they start. It is like your body is saying ‘oh shit’ and then relaxes after a few minutes. Good luck this weekend. Jen.

  4. Becca says:

    Love the picture of you and Cheryl =) Glad you’re able to keep your head on straight through the chemo…I think about you every day Lee, I should have your hats mailed out soon…and p.s I kinda like the hair cut =)

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